Posts Tagged 'Pet Society decorating'

Special Rooms Get Makeovers

A reader named Ally wrote in recently about the extra rooms that are sold for Playfish cash in the Boutique. She didn’t care for how they were decorated, so she decided to make them over and turn them into something really special.

Can you guess what these rooms were originally?

escape the city room in pet society

This room was made over into a spa oasis.


tree house in pet society

An airy reception area makes guests feel welcome.


realm above the clouds in pet society

A rosy bedroom makes for sweet dreams.

I think Ally did a great job with these rooms. Here’s her designer extraordinaire pet Cricket (after a recent trip to the plastic surgeon to get her eyes done).


Ally’s first room, the spa oasis, was made from an Escape from the City Room. Here’s a more typical version, which shows the stones and cave-like opening:

Escape from the City room in Pet society


The reception room was made from a tree house. Here’s what a more traditional tree house looks like. Incredible, huh?
tree house in pet society

The third room was made over from the Cloud Room.
Cloud room in pet society

realm above the clouds in pet society

After the ice was broken, we all decided to lie down and snuggle.

The Home of a High Society Pet

pet society palace

Ever wonder what it’s like to be royalty? Jean-Pierre has always been a little prince, living it up in 5-star luxury. He was especially excited when the Versailles-themed items were released earlier this month. Kellie from High Society Pets gives us this exclusive tour of her pet’s palace, including the Hall of Mirrors, where Jean-Pierre takes tea with visiting pets of importance, his conservatory playhouse, and his dressing room.

I think Kellie did a fabulous job of decorating, don’t you? Check out more of her pet’s home at High Society Pets.

Hall of Mirrors:
pet society palace

Sleeping Chambers:
pet society palace

Conservatory Tea Room (made from Playhouse):

Dressing Room (made from Display Room):
closet in pet society

The picture below comes from another player, Jessica, who re-created the Versailles Hall of Mirrors or Galerie des Glaces. Looks like this little princess could be a good match for Jean-Pierre!

hall of mirrors pet society

Café Scenes in Pet Society

My pet Sushi went café-hopping this week. Here are some of the coolest cafés he visited.

First stop was Deedo’s café by Modo. Modo says that she loves the idea of being surrounded by the aroma of cookies and coffee, freshly baked muffins and pies. Yummy! If she ever opened a cafe in real life, she’d furnish it with comfy chairs and books, and keep it pet-friendly!

cafe culture in pet society

Next stop was Joca Londonier’s bakery by Fábio. Joca is Sushi’s newest friend, and he wowed us with his enormous display of sweets. It looks like Joca has everything there is to eat in Pet Society!

cafe culture in Pet Society

Then we checked out Holly Golightly’s underwater hangout. We like the combination of the fish scenery and the luscious chocolate fountain.

cafe culture in Pet Society

Finally, we chilled out at the beachside cafe by Woofeni. Woofeni was highlighted previously as part of the Pet Society Traveler series, and it’s always good to visit him. This cafe is so inviting and peaceful, it’s like taking a breath of fresh air. Ahh…

cafe culture in Pet Society

Pet Society Design Challenge: Black Rooms

Everyone goes through a black phase at least once in their lives, especially during the teen years. Joe, a teen from England, sent in the picture above.

He knows the room needs improvement, but doesn’t quite know what to do with it. Well, I’m not such a great designer myself (I depend more on readers to provide inspiration), but I do have one piece of advice for Joe:


Yup, that’s really Marilyn Manson’s bedroom, circa 2007.

I also found some other blog posts about ways to decorate with black. Here’s an especially stunning example:

It’s all about balance. Too many dark colors will make a room feel smaller and claustrophobic, so you need lots of white and neutrals to lighten up the space. Large windows help.

Truth be told, Joe wrote in a couple of weeks ago, but this is the first moment I’ve had to write about his room. I recently went into his house and found his pet in a beautiful den that uses a good mixture of light and dark.

This is more like it! Just like a sharp black suit, this room is so gorgeous, it’s going to make your butt look good!

Now, if we can only do something about Marilyn Manson’s face…

Art in Pet Society

Every Pet Societyholic knows you can create some fabulous scenes, but have you noticed any particular rooms that resemble high art? I recently did, as my pet Sushi visited his friend Cuddlebear. The jungle scene above reminds me of the work of Henri Rousseau, a 19th-century French painter. Here are a couple of his paintings:

The second one, called “The Dream,” is awesome. I’ve seen this painting many times at the MoMA, The Museum of Modern Art in New York. It’s a huge piece, over 9 feet wide (3 meters), and every time you look at it, you notice something a little different. Seeing it again on the Web inspired me to return to Cuddlebear’s house. This time, au naturel.

Hepburn & Penguins in Pet Society


This cute image was sent by Love—yup, that’s her real name—from the Philippines. Her friend Jefred made this great Arctic scene with penguins from the Cash Shop (8 to 10 Playfish Coins each). We especially like the igloo, made with stacks of glass pots. Very, very cool!

Given the Hollywood theme in the stores this week, it’s neat how this scene is reminiscent of the movie Happy Feet. Coincidentally, Love’s pet (the pink one) is named Holly Golightly, from the classic Audrey Hepburn film Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

happyfeet breakfast

Build a Dream Closet in Pet Society


Pet Society Anonymous is now featured on AOL’s! Our first article is a how-to on building a fabulous closet in Pet Society.

Some say the kitchen is the most important room in a house, but Pet Societyholics know the closet is the true heart of a fashionista’s home. Where else do you spend so much quality time with yourself as you ponder the question, “What will I wear today?”

For the rest of this story, go to AOL’s

What’s in Your Closet?

A reader, Jessica from California just sent in these pictures of her pet Bridgette’s closet. She said that she splurged on a bigger room to make everything fit. I love how she put in some elegant windows and chairs. Sushi took a nap on the comfy lounge while waiting for B. to get dressed!




For tips on building your own stylish closet, see my story on AOL’s

Day of the Dead, El Día de los Muertos


This beautiful image is by Santiago Alberú from Pachuca, Mexico, who says that his pet Jumby was celebrating El Día de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead. The holiday, which happened earlier this week on November 2, is about remembering friends and family members who have passed away.

Santiago explains that the most important thing on this date is the altar, where food and drinks are set. It’s believed that the spirits of the dead return for one day, and at midnight, they enjoy the meal left for them.

People use boxes and tables to make different levels that represent the earth and heaven. Here, you can see the elements that Santiago used for his pet’s altar.

  • A picture of the dead person (Mayor doll), placed at the top.
  • Candles to light and guide the spirits as they return to earth.
  • A flower arch (made with mini pumpkin decor) which represents a door to our world.
  • Papel picado (colored papel picado banner) that represents joy
  • Water (bottle of Effect Away) which represents the purity of the dead’s soul, and the cycle of life
  • Favorite foods of the dead person
  • Alcoholic drinks such as martinis and tomato juice
  • A flower path (represented here with blue zapote rug) which sets the path for the dead to come to our world

Below are real pics from Mexico’s Day of the Dead. You can see how accurate Santiago’s scene is in comparison.

Santiago says that the Day of the Dead is a very nice tradition, and he thinks it’s a bit sad that it has became less popular in Mexico because of Halloween. Well, Santiago, I have to agree, it’s a great idea to gather as a family, remember our relatives, and reflect on where we all came from. Without the dead, none of us would be alive. I also like the fact that the Mexicans manage to make a day about dead people seem like a festive party. ¡Olé! Is it me, or do those skeletons in the picture look like they’re about to dance the cha-cha?

Pet Society Traveler: Italy


Note: This post was written by guest blogger Kavya.

This week, our destination is Europe. Which part? Italy.

Recently, I met a girl named Angela* and her cute little pet King Thindir. Angela’s decorating skills are genius! This girl Romanized her house completely after level 31. My favorite room features a fountain spouting water into a pond:


This looks like the indoor swimming pool that was featured here a few weeks ago, but because it doesn’t use any bookshelves, this one might be easier to make. The fountain here isn’t for sale any more, but other fountains work just as well.

This isn’t the only room that impresses me. Angela’s using her brilliance for other ideas. Take a look at this:


Doesn’t this look like a seaside balcony? All you need are some shelves and a blind to act as a wall. There’s even a picture on the blind and a cute little parakeet nearby to make the whole scene more convincing. It’s just the perfect setting to laze around and sip a coconut juice.


Ahh. The beautiful night sky! How romantic. I’ll let you in on a secret: Katrina’s going crazy for Thindir. He’s rich, handsome, and sweet. In other words, he’s perfect. What more could you possibly want in a guy? Katrina and Thindir sat under the stars and chatted all night.

After touring the house, I stepped into the gardens. One of them is normal, with just plants. But the other one is spectacular, using arched windows and columns in a whole new way.


After exploring the house, Katrina and Thindir ate a pizza. Sooo Italian!

Things You Need to Make a Garden Courtyard:

  • White fluted columns (650 coins each) from DIY.
  • Villa Patrizia Windows (450 coins each) from the Luxury Shop – We’re not sure why this is in the Luxury Shop. At 450 coins, it’s way cheaper than the other materials there.
  • Maple Stair Units (800 coins each) to place on top of the columns. You can also try the cheaper Simple Shelves (50 coins each), which work well too.
  • Place everything in a garden; you won’t have to purchase wallpaper or carpet.

* Angela is a pseudonym.

Pet Society Traveler: China

Pet Society China

This week, we find ourselves transported to China, thanks to pet Sarah’s beautiful Asian-inspired rooms. Stopping for a cup of tea, I almost feel like we’re in the Summer Palace in Beijing, which was a lakeside getaway for China’s royalty.

Sarah’s owner Linda Tran of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina plays Pet Society with her five-year-old daughter. Linda says that her daughter likes giving gifts to other people and buying clothes for their pet. “She absolutely loves the new fishing pond,” Linda adds. “If it were up to her, we’d fish on Pet Society all day long.”

Way to go Mom, blame your P.S. addiction on the little girl!

Pet Society Dragon Boat

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