Archive for the 'Mystery Items' Category

Faerie eggs in Pet Society

Note: This post was written by guest blogger Kavya.

My house has been changing. Mostly because of the faerie eggs in the mystery shop. Note these come from the green Faerie machine, not the pink one marked Fairy Tale.

Some of these Faerie eggs give you some amazing furniture. For example, you can get a door and a wonderful doormat to go along with it:

I’ve also gotten a cute window. I put it in my greenhouse, to add to the greenery:

Finally, the best prize I received from these fantastic eggs…a bed!

It’s just beautiful, isn’t it? With sunflower pillows and everything! I checked how much I could get for it…799 coins! This was a great bargain as I’d paid only 350 coins for the egg.

Here’s the problem, though: I already have a bed. I don’t need an extra one, but I don’t have the heart to sell this one away. I also don’t have the heart to give it away! I don’t know what I’ll do in the future, but, for now, I’ll just keep it under the shade in my garden:

If you want to get some good furniture, try buying an egg at the mystery shop. They’re only 350 coins, a great deal for this stuff!

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