Pet Society Fashion Poll – Red Wig


The Retro Red Wig is hot, hot, hot. Maybe it’s the vibrant red color or its resemblance to a giant sea flower that’s drawing applause, but the 1,000-coin head-topper is the must-have item for every fashion-forward pet.

Here are a few examples of the wig in action:

  1. At a concert, with Kyra taking the microphone:


  2. Guitarist Luxe doing a solo:

  3. A groupie, aptly named “Dancer” hopping on her scooter:

  4. Sookie, chillin’ out at a hotel penthouse suite after a 12-city tour.

Here they are again. Vote for your favorite at the bottom of the post:


1 Response to “Pet Society Fashion Poll – Red Wig”

  1. 1 Pet Society Girl October 8, 2009 at 3:38 am

    Hi Pet Society Anon! This is unrelated to your post, but have you seen this article?

    Your site is linked! đŸ˜€

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