Posts Tagged 'plastic surgery in pet Society'

Make-overs & Plastic Surgery in Pet Society


Earlier this month, Pet Society lowered the costs at the Stylist. Now, even working-class pets can afford to indulge in extreme make-overs and plastic surgery. My pet Sushi recently went to the stylist for a consultation and pondered the benefits of surgery: New skin, new nose, and oh, that sex change he’s wanted since birth! Should he or shouldn’t he? Help us decide! There are two polls; the first is on color, the second on gender. Vote at the bottom of this post!



Poll 1: Color

Poll 2: Gender

Extra for people who like to read: Here’s a very interesting story by The New York Times, which reported that one-third of people who now get plastic surgery are working-class women, who take out loans for new boobs and tummy tucks.

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