Archive for the 'Fashion' Category

The Cork Hat in Pet Society

You too can look this studly with the right head gear! The corks on this traditional Australian hat are meant to keep flies and insects off your face. Really??? How does that actually work? Do the flies just stop and lounge on the corks, and nibble on their lunches or nap for a bit while you trudge through the outback?

In any case, you can buy a cork hat here for under five pounds. Keep in mind that this store specializes in jokes and silly gifts. I’m not sure if Australians even wear the cork hat outside of a costume party. Maybe it’s just for tourists who don’t know any better.

Earlier this week, I asked people to submit images of their pets wearing the silly cork hat. Here are 5 of the best pics. Vote for your fave at the bottom of this post.

1. I love how authentic this scene with Draco feels, with the desert background, kangaroo and Tasmanian devil.


2. This smiley baby can’t seem to spell her own name, but she looks cute in her itsy bitsy striped bikini.


3. Deedo looks artsy in her winged glasses. She’s also pretty serious about fashion, as she listed all of the items she’s wearing.


4. Piddles demonstrates the hat in action. Flies buzz around him, but he seems to be at peace.


5. The glasses give Luna a scholarly edge. She looks like a true explorer on a mission.

Fashion Poll: Bouffant Wig in Pet Society

Earlier this week, we featured a fashion poll on the funny Afro wig. Congrats to everyone who was featured, but especially Melissa, whose pet Gabbie won nearly 40% of the votes.

Today, we look at the other hairpiece of the week, the “Bouffant Wig” available for 900 coins at the Clothing Shop. This sleek ‘do is a definite improvement over the Golden Curl Wig which makes some pets look like American Idol rejects.

Bouffant hair was hot during the 1950s and ’60s, despite the fact that you had to use tons of smelly hairspray to achieve it. Here are two celebs from that time:

Like the orange Afro, the Bouffant is very popular in Pet Society right now. Here are some of the best looks we spotted this week:

We love how the buttery-yellow gown complements the wig on this pet:

This pet has a very long name: Whitlee LaRooBoo. The owner, Rose says that it’s her “high-society” name. We think she looks kind of like an Elvis groupie here with the funky glasses. We had to chuckle over her room full o’ poo.

This sweet pet looks like an ice princess. The cat-eye shaped mask is a great touch!

This pet has the retro look down. We love how she dug up the black and white Sixties Shift (only 250 coins) and paired it with this week’s “Groovy White Boots” (300 coins). Chic can be cheap!

Here they are again. Vote for your fave at the bottom of this post.

Gettin’ Wiggy With It – Orange Afro

This week’s retro specials at the clothing store include two new wigs, which are proving to be very popular. We think the orange Afro is a hoot. Bordering on the campy, this wig is for those who like to stand out.

This pet looks right at home in her groovy pad.

Stunning! No one will have trouble seeing this pet in the dark.

This one exudes love for all his Groovy Teddies, which look like Mini-Mes of himself. I suspect he changed his name to fit the look.

Just in case the Afro isn’t enough to get him noticed, this pet wears the golden Lion Dance hat from last year. I think he also changed his name this week.

Here they are again. Vote for your favorite at the bottom of this post.

Pet Society Make-Under

Lala has a passion for fashion, but at the risk of being overdone. Can we get her to lose the blond wig and the Marilyn Monroe dress for a more graceful look?

Our stylists encouraged her to sport a shorter, darker hairstyle a là Audrey Hepburn. Here she is in a LBD (Little Black Dress) browsing through a Soho boutique:

Here’s a weekend outfit for playing in the snow:


Finally, here she is aboard a yacht. We love the red dress and dark hair combo. It’s so Katie Holmes—and we’re glad Tom’s not around!


Here are the outfits again, plus one with blond hair, in case you really prefer the country-singer look. Vote for your favorite at the bottom of the post.

Style Tip from Pet Society Anonymous

Are you ready for the big countdown to 2010? Sushi is busy experimenting with new party looks. He hasn’t quite decided on his outfit, but he definitely won’t be wearing the Taylor Swift-style wig. We think it gives new meaning to the term “Suicide Blonde.” Agree?

Pet Society Fashion Poll – Holiday Outfit

Happy Boxing Day! A reader named Jay can’t decide which outfit looks best on her pet. Help her out! BTW, once you’re done playing Pet Society today, please remember to recycle all your holiday gift wrap and donate any unwanted presents to charity.

Pet Society Makeover – From Doom to Boom

Chaos Bunnii is desperate for help. He admits he’s clueless when it comes to fashion. “Don’t you see I look like an idiot? What I think is fashion is a doom bringer in a bow!” he says.

I’m not sure what that last part means; a quick search on the Net shows that a doom bringer is a type of sword in World of Warcraft. Whatever.

Here are four different ways we’ve transformed this gloomy pumpkinhead. Vote for your favorite look at the bottom of this post.

The Fearless Pirate
We’re not crazy about the empty eyes, but we’re trying to make them work with an eye patch and a pirate’s bandana.

The Strong Athlete
Here, we keep the football uniform that Chaos Bunnii wore in his before picture but we add a Nerdy Boy’s Wig and a pair of friendly brown eyes. Isn’t he a stud?

Here he is crossing the finish line, eyes wide open:

The Stylish Shopper
For those days when you feel like a girly-girl, opt for the Cute Festive Dress and an Elegant Clutch.

The Fourth Jonas Brother
Finally, for the glitzy rock-star look, go for the white King’s Jacket and dark sunglasses.

Here are the different looks again. Vote for your favorite at the bottom.

Pet Society Beauty Poll 2 – Eyes on Style

A reader named Melanie sent in these images of her pet Star. She’s ready to hit the holiday party circuit but can’t decide which eyes look best. Help her out!


Oops! Sorry, wrong picture. This is a pet in my neighborhood. I think he’s very unique looking, and every time I see him, I want to scrub him with a toothbrush.

Here’s our pretty Star. No matter what she chooses, she’s got an eye for style!

Pet Society Beauty Poll: Eyes

An Australian reader named Constantina can’t decide which eyes look best on her pet. She submitted the first three images; I added an extra one to make it an even four. Help her choose the best look! Vote at the bottom of this post.

Big Blue Eyes
Big Brown Eyes
Thick Dark Lashes
Eyes Full of Wonder

P.S. Another reader had trouble finding the blue eyes at the stylist. They’re on page 3, and cost 900 coins.

Makeovers in Pet Society – Stashy

Poor Stashy! No one wants to be around him because of his stinkin’ poo and flies. His owner Hana writes that Stashy spends most of his days alone, fishing at the pond. “Look at those dull, lifeless eyes,” she says. “Look at the shabby rags! He needs your help!”

How could we turn this poopy pet into a prince?
First, we gave Stashy some alone time in the bathroom. It had been so long since Stashy had washed up that he looked like he was in pain under the shower. But eventually, he started enjoying the water and splashed around merrily.

Then we took him to the barber to get his raggedy beard trimmed. It was such a simple change, yet it made a big difference in his overall facial structure.

Later, it was time to hit the shops for some retail therapy. We first outfitted him in a pair of Classic Jeans (300 coins) and a Shirt with Beige Vest (300) for a preppy, young law student look.

Then we experimented with some casual outfits using the Nerdy Boy Wig (1000) and some sunglasses. We think he looks hot! How about you?

Pet Society Make-over

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