Make-overs & Plastic Surgery in Pet Society


Earlier this month, Pet Society lowered the costs at the Stylist. Now, even working-class pets can afford to indulge in extreme make-overs and plastic surgery. My pet Sushi recently went to the stylist for a consultation and pondered the benefits of surgery: New skin, new nose, and oh, that sex change he’s wanted since birth! Should he or shouldn’t he? Help us decide! There are two polls; the first is on color, the second on gender. Vote at the bottom of this post!



Poll 1: Color

Poll 2: Gender

Extra for people who like to read: Here’s a very interesting story by The New York Times, which reported that one-third of people who now get plastic surgery are working-class women, who take out loans for new boobs and tummy tucks.

13 Responses to “Make-overs & Plastic Surgery in Pet Society”

  1. 1 Megami October 1, 2009 at 2:30 am

    Wow, you are 50-50 on the sex change…. ejejeje. Interesting.

  2. 2 Brisa October 1, 2009 at 5:25 am

    I just visited Sushi and saw he was purple! So I came to your blog to see what it was all about 🙂 I say you keep him the same…he is perfect just the way he is!

  3. 3 Kavya October 1, 2009 at 6:02 am

    Oh no! Sushi’s beautiful just the way he is!

  4. 4 Scott Steubing October 1, 2009 at 10:45 am

    Sushi’s gender shouldn’t matter. If he’s comfortable being a male and dressing in female clothes, what’s the problem? If he’d feel more comfortable as a female, go for it.

    As for his color, since the color changes are free now, i think he should change his color to whatever complements his outfit at the time.

  5. 5 nick October 1, 2009 at 6:39 pm

    I love ur blog soo much. I wonder that Sushi wants to meet ‘aRChie’ my pet, he’s a chihuahua. I just hooked on PetSo. but I really into that, what can I say, that’s a little same with my fav game “the sims”…

    about the poll. I love to hear a GIRL with name “Sushi”.
    and keep that obama latte… hukeey

  6. 6 Pet Society Anonymous October 1, 2009 at 7:56 pm

    Hi Scott,

    I personally don’t think it matters which gender the pet is either. This question was more to gauge the audience’s reaction.

    Changing the color to complement the outfit is an interesting idea. I may just try that for a while.

    Pet Society Anonymous

  7. 7 Pet Society Anonymous October 1, 2009 at 9:00 pm

    Hi Nick,

    Welcome to Pet Society, and thanks for reading my blog! I have a lot of fun putting it together.

    Pet Society Anonymous

  8. 8 Faye October 2, 2009 at 4:01 am

    Nah, Sushi is fine the way he is 😉

    No need for sex change. And I like his current browny color. It suits him well 🙂

  9. 9 Bubbles October 3, 2009 at 12:47 am

    Back in August, I did changed my pet from a simple bear to a pretty kitty cat. Although I find my pet’s new look very cute, I still miss my blue bear.

  10. 10 Pet Society Anonymous October 3, 2009 at 1:55 am

    Aww, Bubbles. I hope you have a before picture of him!

  11. 11 dinoviking October 3, 2009 at 10:12 am

    My pet is a girl but dresses in man clothes and I cant be bothered changing the gender, its not like anyone really cares.

  12. 12 Gabby October 22, 2009 at 7:15 am

    Oh! Muffy, my pet loves getting make-overs & surgery, depending on her mood of course, heck she even alters her name in her birth certificate and she might even get a boob job (Kidding!) But getting a sex change is not her list. ;))
    Sometimes she gets picky when it comes to clothes, she really wants to match the face and skin tone with her ensemble. I guess sometimes it just depends on what the pet’s wearing. But in the real world wouldn’t get me and a pet under the knife. It’s just so FAKE. ;)) lol

    Sushi’s so cute, she’s got that likable and friendly personality. ;)) I love her in purple too. 😉

  1. 1 Pet Society Twins « Pet Society Anonymous Trackback on October 9, 2009 at 1:59 am

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