Archive for the 'Fashion' Category

Pet Society Fashion Poll – Indians

Back by popular demand, the Pet Society Fashion Poll takes candid pictures of four pets wearing similar outfits. Readers vote on their favorite look.

This week, many pets donned Indian (Native American) feathers and moccasins to go with their Thanksgiving decor. Here are the most stylin’ natives in da hood:

1. Wuschelmaus setting the dinner table.

2. Pop making friends with Hideeni.

3. This Indian looks like he’s about to give an Elvis lip-synch concert.

4. Cute Pinkie saves the turkey from being part of the dinner.

Here they are again. Vote at the bottom of this post.

1. Wuschelmaus
 2. Pop
3. Diemaz
 4. Pinkie

Maids, Millionaires & Fairies in Pet Society

Memo to Playfish: The show is called Who Wants to be a Millionaire, NOT Who Wants to be a Maid! Why would anyone want to dress as a maid? Why is a maid outfit even considered cute?

Warning to Kids: Don’t play too much Pet Society and other Facebook games. Finish school and hone your talents so you don’t end up wearing a maid’s uniform when you grow up—except maybe as a costume for Halloween, but don’t do that either, because Halloween maids are just t-a-c-k-y.

Fairy Outfits:

This week, the shops are also offering wings and dresses for fairies, which are cuter. But the wig puzzled me. Still, I might buy it because it looks so ridiculous:

Fairy Wig in Pet Society


Finally, the Luxury Shop is selling oak, gothic and princess staircases. Now, this is more like it. After all, my pet Sushi wants to be the master of the mansion, not the servant! But at 5,000 coins, I am wondering if our pets can actually go up and down those stairs. Because you see, we all want to be movie stars, and being able to descend a long staircase wearing a glittery ballgown would be really grand.

Makeovers in Pet Society – 2


“Pleez give my pet a makeover,” writes Ezekiel, the owner of Gurlee. “I want her to look older, but still cute and fashionable.”

With that in mind, we first took Gurlee to a spa for a refreshing facial…but the results were a disaster.


Uh-oh. Let’s try that again. This time, we took Gurlee to an outdoor sanctuary and gave her a moment for a nap. Ah…


Afterwards, Gurlee got a new haircut with a pretty curl (200 coins). We went shopping and got her decked out in Red Rock Star Shades (600 coins) and the Sixties Shift (250 coins). The mini-dress showed off her gorgeous quarter-inch (half-centimeter) legs, and was the perfect outfit for an afternoon picnic.

Gurlee quickly learned that it’s not always easy being pretty…
Still, she was eager to go out that night and make her fabulous début!


Pet Society Spa, Mud Face Mask


Do you blame us for getting a little “work” done? There are so many fashionistas and Next Top Models in Pet Society that we’re feeling the pressure to keep up! If you’re also in need of a facial, the mud face mask is available in the Gold Mystery Boxes.

(Apologies to Ragil for turning her mummy into a plastic surgery victim.)

Fashion Makeover in Pet Society


Cupcake is a pet in Portland, Oregon, who came to us looking sad and tired. A high school student juggling seven classes and after-school sports, Cupcake doesn’t have time for fashion. She usually wears sweatshirts and baseball hats and doesn’t have a good sense of color. “Help me!” she says.

To the rescue is Alfonso, a style guru from Mexico City. Having worked with pet stars Penelopoppy Cruz and Gael Garcia Bernaldini, Alfonso takes a hard look at Cupcake. “You need to take a shower, honey,” he says. “I can’t even see you because of the flies buzzing around the room!”


After a scrubbing, Alfonso takes Cupcake to the clothing boutique, where she immediately tries on the Mermaid Dress.


Alfonso shakes his head. “Don’t try to be Beyonce,” he says. “It doesn’t work for you. You need more coverage. Besides, the lavendar clashes with your orange skintone.” He hands her a white skirt with denim jacket (600 coins), soft boots (100), a red bow (200) and perfect white pearls (800).

He then takes her to the beauty shop and trims her whiskers. He brightens her eyes with black liner and mascara. The result? Ta-da!


Does your pet need a makeover?
Send in a picture of your pet and we’ll turn it from dull to dazzling! Write to and let us know your pet’s name, where it’s from and why it deserves a treatment from the style guru!

Pet and the City


We’re also wondering if any of the males in Pet Society are over the age of 12.

In this pic: Tizzie, Gaga, Ella, Sushi.

Many readers have asked how I get more than two pets into one room. My answer is Photoshop, Baby, Photoshop. The scene requires tracing and extracting pets out of their backgrounds. Here’s a good step-by-step tutorial.

Pet Society’s Next Top Model


All you budding fashionistas out there, Pet Society’s Next Top Model is seeking contestants for its third cycle of competition. And this time, Sushi is going to be a guest judge! So pick out your most fabulous outfit and work it!

Deadline for applications is October 17, 2009. For complete rules, download this PDF file.

By the way, if you’re wondering how Sushi ended up on the cover of Glamour, check out which I wrote about last month in “Cool Photo Effects for Your Pet.”

Pet Society Fashion Poll – Red Wig


The Retro Red Wig is hot, hot, hot. Maybe it’s the vibrant red color or its resemblance to a giant sea flower that’s drawing applause, but the 1,000-coin head-topper is the must-have item for every fashion-forward pet.

Here are a few examples of the wig in action:

  1. At a concert, with Kyra taking the microphone:


  2. Guitarist Luxe doing a solo:

  3. A groupie, aptly named “Dancer” hopping on her scooter:

  4. Sookie, chillin’ out at a hotel penthouse suite after a 12-city tour.

Here they are again. Vote for your favorite at the bottom of the post:


Make-overs & Plastic Surgery in Pet Society


Earlier this month, Pet Society lowered the costs at the Stylist. Now, even working-class pets can afford to indulge in extreme make-overs and plastic surgery. My pet Sushi recently went to the stylist for a consultation and pondered the benefits of surgery: New skin, new nose, and oh, that sex change he’s wanted since birth! Should he or shouldn’t he? Help us decide! There are two polls; the first is on color, the second on gender. Vote at the bottom of this post!



Poll 1: Color

Poll 2: Gender

Extra for people who like to read: Here’s a very interesting story by The New York Times, which reported that one-third of people who now get plastic surgery are working-class women, who take out loans for new boobs and tummy tucks.

Cheerleaders in Pet Society

My pet, Sushi, loves dressing up in the cheerleader outfit and shaking his pom-poms. He recently channeled his inner Kirsten Dunst from the movie “Bring It On,” (one of his all-time favorites) and started his own pep squad with gal pal Meow Meow.


They practiced doing handstands, splits and classic cheers, such as “Be aggressive, be aggressive! B-E A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E!”

Then Sushi returned home and changed out of his girl clothes back to some comfy male clothing. He found an old jersey that was perfect for long games at the stadium. He’d make a great addition to the squad, don’t you think?


If you think it’s sissy for boys to cheer, think again. According to this article, “Male Cheerleading is a Sport,” men were the first to organize a cheering squad way back in the 1890s at Princeton University. (Of course, women were not allowed in as students until 1969, so that probably explains this bit of history.)

Many famous men have been cheerleaders, like former president George W. Bush. Well, he’s not such a great example, but still. Men do cheer. And they’re not all gay. And if they are, so what?

Here are two more cute cheerleaders I found in my neighborhood:


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