Fashion Makeover in Pet Society


Cupcake is a pet in Portland, Oregon, who came to us looking sad and tired. A high school student juggling seven classes and after-school sports, Cupcake doesn’t have time for fashion. She usually wears sweatshirts and baseball hats and doesn’t have a good sense of color. “Help me!” she says.

To the rescue is Alfonso, a style guru from Mexico City. Having worked with pet stars Penelopoppy Cruz and Gael Garcia Bernaldini, Alfonso takes a hard look at Cupcake. “You need to take a shower, honey,” he says. “I can’t even see you because of the flies buzzing around the room!”


After a scrubbing, Alfonso takes Cupcake to the clothing boutique, where she immediately tries on the Mermaid Dress.


Alfonso shakes his head. “Don’t try to be Beyonce,” he says. “It doesn’t work for you. You need more coverage. Besides, the lavendar clashes with your orange skintone.” He hands her a white skirt with denim jacket (600 coins), soft boots (100), a red bow (200) and perfect white pearls (800).

He then takes her to the beauty shop and trims her whiskers. He brightens her eyes with black liner and mascara. The result? Ta-da!


Does your pet need a makeover?
Send in a picture of your pet and we’ll turn it from dull to dazzling! Write to and let us know your pet’s name, where it’s from and why it deserves a treatment from the style guru!

9 Responses to “Fashion Makeover in Pet Society”

  1. 1 Megami October 20, 2009 at 2:25 am

    Really nice make over!! I love you writing.

  2. 2 Gerardo Delgado. October 20, 2009 at 2:32 am

    I love it! Brillant! I especially loved this “Having worked with pet stars Penelopoppy Cruz and Gael Garcia Bernaldini.” It really made me laugh! I hope we get more pets desperate for an extreme makeover, it’s so much fun doing it!
    Thank you!!!

  3. 3 Leanne October 20, 2009 at 8:49 pm

    nah i don’t think my pet needs one.. i already gave her one myself. and boy it worked. lol.

    (amateur stylist)

  4. 4 SushiMonster October 20, 2009 at 10:46 pm

    haha i dont think mi pet needs a makeover~ but this is such a cute idea 🙂

  5. 5 Sarah October 20, 2009 at 11:49 pm

    Esmerelda used up all her coins on a eye-job last month, after she lost the Next Top Model contest. The contest didn’t allow makeovers during the run of the contest…LOL

  6. 6 Prissy October 21, 2009 at 12:08 am

    hi i have truble with all the gmail stuff so ill just submit my entry and story here (here the pic ) My pet chocolate live in a very nice house, unfortuantely having a nice hoouse comes with a consequence: not to much money left so chocolate needs a new look but for a nice price cause right now her usual amount of money is somewhere between 500-1000

  7. 8 Ryker October 21, 2009 at 1:40 am

    I live in Portland Oregon too…

  8. 9 Deanna October 24, 2009 at 6:06 pm

    Okay, you are just too brilliant! I laughed my buns off but then realized that I have only seen one pet..(Jossie’s twin) with Jossie’s eyes. Chump Change can’t keep his hands off of her but then he gets weirded out when they both laugh after they kiss and Jossie’s voice is the same timbre as his. I don’t blame him for running away from her!! I don’t think I could see my Jossie’s face change but it is pretty amazing that I don’t come across any pets with her eyes. I’m guessing those set of eyes aren’t a very popular choice 😀


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